Friday, October 31, 2014

Pray+Faith+Immediate Action= No More Struggle Outreach LLC

Welcome To No More Struggle Outreach

My name is Kettia Green the CEO/Founder of No More Struggle Outreach and Photography. I grew up being very familiar with something called struggle. I tolerated struggle because through it I was able to find something called strength. It was strength that got me through three degree but at the end of the road I was still broke. I was looking for something by name the name of "good job". When you find him/her let me know. I prayed and while talking to God, I told him there has to be a better way. Two weeks after that I was introduced to Network Marketing: At the time I was working as a Full-time Youth Counselor. I entered into this unfamiliar world broke but I knew with God all things are possible, Out of that possible arose "No More Struggle Outreach", "No More Struggle Photography", and me being a Executive Director of a multi-million dollar opportunity. I know I am still in shock myself. I did not have the investment but being a college graduate times 3 and did not have 365 to invest in something I wanted to do was a problem that would not change if I did not change my situation. I gave out of need, something I was familiar with doing just never for myself. I realize that Pray+Faith+Immediate action= No More Struggle Outreach. I am helping others "Turn Their Passion Into Income", so they can say No More Struggle. Let's Win

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Welcome To The World of No More Struggle LLC

We put "Ministry Before Money". Your struggle stops here. Let's Turn Your Passion into Income


To use my compassion and dedication to give back to people in the community and share with them ways to get out the struggle. Also show them how to enjoy life without a job in sight by using their God giving talents and transferring it into income.

To show people how to turn their passion into income and create generational wealth for future generations in their family. The outreach goal is to assist people with balancing their life physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. 


Mission for Photography:
Our mission is not to be your ordinary photography business.  We do not just want to take pictures, developing them, get paid for the job, and then send you (the client) on your way. We would like to empower others to find their passions and change the lives of our clients while living out our passion doing photography. NMS Photography is more than just a photography business but a ministry to help people beyond the photograph taken. Many people do not always like what they see in the picture but, our job is to help them love the person internally and then love the person they see in the picture. Our slogan “Changing lives and creating memories” reflects the mission of our business once the job is done. We would like for our clients not to be just satisfied with the pictures taken but to love the person in the picture after the sessions are done.

                "Service Before Self Excellence in All We Do"